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The Importance of Mindset

When interacting with people, I sometimes find myself wondering, "Why do they seem so pessimistic and negative?" Since everyone spends their time in different environments, it's impossible to fully understand or experience someone else's feelings. However, we can imagine their situation. After all, life isn't just about constant joy and fulfillment. Just like humans, other animals don't always have delicious food readily available. Most of us live through difficult times or moments of hardship at some point in our lives. This is where mindset becomes crucial.

Should we choose to be negative, positive, or simply neutral? Roughly speaking, these are the three options. However, there's no definitive answer. You're free to choose any mindset, but it's important to consider the potential thoughts, actions, and consequences that may arise. Naturally, when asked whether positivity or negativity is better, most people would opt for positivity. Why is that?


・Let's ask ChatGPT about the effects of negative thinking

- Negative thinking can lead to stress and anxiety: Negative thought patterns often focus on pessimistic viewpoints and worries, making individuals more prone to feeling stressed and anxious. Excessive stress and anxiety can also impact physical health, potentially leading to sleep disorders and digestive issues.

- Negative thinking can lower self-esteem: Negative thoughts tend to increase self-doubt and negative self-evaluation, potentially lowering an individual's self-esteem and self-confidence. This self-deprecating mindset may increase the risk of mental health issues like depression and anxiety disorders.

- Negative thinking can worsen interpersonal relationships: Pessimistic attitudes and negative perspectives can hinder communication with others, leading to deterioration in interpersonal relationships. This can contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

- Negative thinking can alter behavior patterns: Negative thinking can influence behavior, leading to decreased motivation, avoidance behaviors, and a decline in problem-solving abilities.


Yes, a lot of things have sprung up 😁😅. Now let's ask about positive thinking.

・What is the impact of positive thinking?

- Stress Reduction: Positive thinking helps reduce stress levels. A positive outlook and hopeful mindset tend to alleviate stress and anxiety, bringing about emotional stability. This, in turn, can lead to improved physical health and a balanced mind-body state.

- Enhanced Self-Esteem: Positive thinking contributes to improving self-esteem. Positive beliefs about oneself and one's abilities enhance self-worth and encourage confident behavior.

- Promotion of Creativity: Positive thinking promotes creativity and the generation of ideas. Optimistic perspectives and belief in possibilities enhance the ability to find new ideas and solutions, thus improving problem-solving skills.

- Improvement in Interpersonal Relationships: Positive thinking helps improve relationships with others. Optimistic attitudes and kind words facilitate smooth communication with others, fostering good interpersonal relationships.

- Positive Impact on Overall Health: Positive thinking has many positive effects on both mental and physical health. Optimistic individuals are believed to have a lower risk of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease and hypertension. Additionally, positive thinking is said to enhance immune system function and increase resistance to illness.


Negative thinking can adversely affect one's physical health due to increased stress and may also deteriorate interpersonal relationships. Positive thinking, on the other hand, contributes to stress reduction, helps maintain and enhance immune function, and aids in building positive relationships.

There is also a proverb that says, "Illness comes from the mind," suggesting that there might be some influence.


I mentioned that positive and negative thinking are choices, but they are also influenced by lifestyle habits such as sleep, diet, and exercise. Therefore, when feeling negative, it's good to start by reassessing aspects like sleep and dietary habits.

However, this is also true. I once watched a video where Mr. Yanai from UNIQLO talked about this, and I empathized with it. It's the notion that understanding something and being able to put it into practice are different things. I think the only way is to cultivate it through experience.


That's all. It might be a trivial topic for some people, but I decided to write about it because I've had opportunities to think about it recently.

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