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Newly opened restaurants I want to visit when I return to Japan.

Today, I would like to talk about Japanese food.

What comes to mind when you hear the word “Japanese food”?

Sushi, ramen, soba, karaage, katsu, and so on?

I like these dishes and most other Japanese foods as well.

As I mentioned in my blog the other day, Japan is known worldwide as a country of gastronomy.

I was born in Japan and have enjoyed various Japanese foods in different regions over the past 28 years. Until I went to university, I grew up in Fukuoka Prefecture in Kyushu, which is why I especially love fish.

Hokkaido is famous for its seafood, but fresh fish is also caught in Kyushu, so a lot of the sushi you eat in Tokyo and the fish sold in the fresh fish sections of supermarkets come from Kyushu.

After I went to university, I lived in the Kanto region for 10 years, and during that time, I often ate sushi in Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Ibaraki, and visited seaside markets.

So this time, I'd like to introduce a sushi restaurant that I, as a fish lover, frequently visited before moving to the UK.


廻転鮨 銀座おのでら本店(Kaiten sushi ginza onodera)

"Ginza Onodera" has several branches, but the one we frequented was located in Omotesando. The interior is beautifully decorated, and the staff are very lively. They offer a wide variety of sushi toppings, which are delicious, and each piece allows you to indulge in a luxurious sushi experience. They procure seasonal fish daily, so each time you visit, they offer sushi made from fish that can only be enjoyed during that season. (Limited availability)Additionally, you may even have the chance to observe a fish cutting show up close.

Omotesando is an area lined with various apparel flagship stores. Just walking down the street is enjoyable, so when you're sightseeing in Tokyo, be sure to stop by.


築地すしくろ 横浜ジョイナス店

This shop also has several branches, but the one we visited is located in Yokohama. The interior has a quite serene atmosphere, which is quite the opposite of the Ginza Onodera I mentioned earlier. Enjoying sushi and hot tea in this calm ambiance is truly delightful. Unlike ordering dish by dish, the standard way to order here is to opt for a set of nigiri sushi. While individual items are available, it's recommended to order a set to savor various toppings. If you wish to add more, you can order items individually. If you ever have the chance to visit Yokohama, I highly recommend stopping by.



This shop is a sushi restaurant chain with locations nationwide. Compared to the two shops mentioned above, you can enjoy Japanese sushi here at a more affordable price. While the taste may not surpass that of the aforementioned establishments, I find that Sushiro is the most delicious among other large-scale chain stores.

One of the great aspects is that it's available in various locations nationwide, so you can enjoy it wherever you travel. It's also affordable, so if you're looking to keep costs down, I highly recommend giving it a try.


Another topic I wanted to share today is the news that Ginza Onodera, mentioned earlier, is venturing into the realms of ramen and eel dishes. While it's highly regarded in the sushi realm, I'm excited to see what kind of flavors it will offer in the fiercely competitive ramen market. Additionally, they will start offering eel dishes. Since there are fewer restaurants offering eel compared to sushi or ramen, I'm also very interested in this aspect. When I return to Japan, I definitely want to visit both of these establishments.

Reference ⇩

・遂に5月1日(水)「麺 銀座おのでら本店」グランドオープン! 「銀座おのでら」が世界へ贈る、日本の国民食「ラーメン」始動! ~ミシュラン1つ星4年連続獲得「薪焼 銀座おのでら」寺田料理長総合プロデュース!~

・【速報!】来る7月、国産うなぎ専門「薪焼うなぎ 銀座おのでら本店」オープン!ミシュラン1つ星4年連続獲得「薪焼 銀座おのでら」寺田料理長が手掛ける新業態


Above, I introduced topics related to Japanese food.

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