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About Nori (Seaweed)

This time, I would like to write about nori production, which has recently become a topic of discussion in Japan.

Those who often eat Japanese food may know that nori is frequently used in Japanese cuisine. In particular, sushi and onigiri (rice balls) are familiar dishes to Japanese people, so many may consume nori regularly. Additionally, nori is used in snacks such as mochi (rice cakes) and senbei (rice crackers). However, in recent years, nori production in Ariake Sea, one of Japan's largest production areas, has been declining, leading to poor harvests.

In Ariake Sea, nori is grown by setting up poles in the sea and attaching nori nets where nori spores are sown to grow. However, the lack of growth factors like "phosphorus" and "nitrogen," as well as a deficiency in sea nutrients, has resulted in nori not growing as it should. The shortage of phosphorus and nitrogen is attributed to a lack of rainfall. Rainfall brings nutrient-rich water from the mountains to the rivers, eventually flowing into the sea. But due to decreased rainfall, nori cannot absorb these nutrients, affecting its growth. Moreover, the farther away from the rivers, the more frequent "red tides" become, which further deplete the already scarce nutrients in the sea due to plankton consumption.

Here is information about the nori production process⇩

・佐賀県有明海漁業協同組合より - のりができるまで


Recently, the shortage of producers has also become an issue. While nori is still available in supermarkets and convenience stores, making it accessible to consumers, due to the aforementioned factors, the average bidding price of nori has increased by approximately 80% compared to 2021. In some cases, even if prices don't rise, the quantity per pack decreases. Although recent price hikes are not limited to nori, it has become a concern for consumers.

Personally, I love nori, so I hope the prices don’t increase too much and that we can continue to enjoy delicious nori. In the UK, nori can mainly be purchased at Asian supermarkets or online. If you are interested in nori, please try obtaining it through these methods. Recently, a friend's child tried nori for the first time and liked it so much that they ate it like a snack. I also enjoy eating nori on its own. In my childhood, I often ate the nori we had at home. My mother intended to use it for onigiri in our bento, so she didn't like it when I ate nori on its own. But I love the simple taste and the crispy texture.

However, the types of nori available in the UK are limited, so if you have the opportunity to visit Japan, I highly recommend buying nori from a supermarket there. My recommendation is nori from Ariake Sea. The taste and flavor vary depending on the producer, but nori from Ariake Sea is the best. It is also used in high-end hotels, so if you stay in a Japanese ryokan, it might be served at breakfast or dinner (it is commonly served at breakfast).



This concludes my write-up about nori.

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