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Thank you for coming to learn more about us. I hope that we can inspire you and motivate you to be the best version of you there can be. 


Let's start with a short introduction to us, to our company. 


Nazufi began with a pair of young entrepreneurs that wanted to do something bigger than themselves.

Escaping the norms of society, and aiming to better themselves, and those around them. Working for others rather than themselves, Nazufi strives to be a place of opportunity.

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When you start from the bottom, there's nothing you can wrong. As a pair, we quit our jobs during the COVID pandemic, and set up Nazufi. This was a big decision and an even bigger risk but we were able to motivate ourselves to strive for the top. We are continuously educating ourselves and each other about what owning a business really means. 


Being lone partners in this business, we have furthered our education so we can not only be better business owners, but specialise our skills to benefit our clientele.


Growing a business is not an easy endeavour. But through our specialised skills, we openly provide personalised, affordable, and accredited online English classes for all walks of life. 


Using our passion of artwork, we created a unique line of ceramics - Nazufi Vintage. We decided to bring our difference in culture but also our quirky outlooks to life. Nazufi Vintage still has a long way to go, but we hope to strive in commerce and unite not only our home cultures but all cultures worldwide.

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What does our future hold? We're not entirely sure. What we know is that we won't stop until our mission is complete. Our mission is to educate the population in the remotest of areas, those who are unable to find opportunities as we so luxuriously take for granted. Our goal is to provide for those that cannot provide for themselves. Through Nazufi English & Nazufi Vintage, we hope to grow into a peaceful, sustainable, green company that can help even the very few to graduate from universities, and provide for their families.

We wish to not only educate, but lay out a fruitful for path for the less fortunate. We wish to take you with us on a journey down a long road to a happy life.

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